Best and Popular Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training centre In India
The practice of Ashtanga Yoga is an ancient Indian tradition that has been passed down through generations. With the increasing popularity of yoga across the world, the practice of Ashtanga yoga has also gained immense popularity and more and more people are keen to learn this form of yoga. For this purpose, many yoga teacher training centres have been established in India and Shiva Yoga Peeth is one of the best and popular Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training centres in India.
Ashtanga yoga is one of the oldest dynamic forms of yoga that is composed of a set sequence of postures that are linked together by the breath. Ashtanga yoga requires dedication, discipline, and strength and is designed to promote internal cleansing and purification, as well as to build strength and flexibility. The practice of Ashtanga is highly individualized and each practitioner will have their own unique
The style of yoga is based on the eight limbs of yoga, which are yama (moral discipline), niyama (self-purification and study), asana (posture), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (liberation).
History of Ashtanga yoga and its roots in India
Ashtanga yoga is an ancient style of yoga developed in India over 5,000 years ago. It is based on the 8 limbs of yoga as outlined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The practice consists of physical postures and breathing techniques that help to cleanse the body, mind and spirit. Ashtanga yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word “Ashta” meaning eight and “Anga” meaning limb or part, hence Ashtanga meaning eight limbs.
The founder of Ashtanga yoga was a yogi by the name of Sri T. Krishnamacharya. He was born in 1888 and studied Vedic philosophy at the age of 11. His teachings have been preserved in the form of three core texts known as the Yoga Korunta, which he wrote himself. These texts contain all the details for practicing the eight limbs of Ashtanga yoga.
Krishnamacharya’s main disciple was Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, who taught and practiced Ashtanga yoga in Mysore, India for more than 70 years. He popularized Ashtanga yoga, and his legacy still continues through his grandson, R. Sharath Jois, who runs the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore.
The practice of Ashtanga yoga has become popular all over the world due to its emphasis on physical postures and breathing techniques that help to improve physical strength and flexibility while also calming the mind and improving concentration. It is suitable for beginners as well as experienced practitioners.
Ashtanga yoga teacher training courses are available in many parts of India, including Mysore and Rishikesh. Training courses offer practical instruction and theory-based knowledge, providing students with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the practice and further their personal growth. By taking a teacher training course in India, students can experience firsthand the traditional roots of Ashtanga yoga and gain an appreciation for its ancient heritage.
Teacher training in Ashtanga yoga

Teacher training in Ashtanga yoga in India is an essential component to becoming a successful yoga instructor. Through teacher training, instructors gain knowledge and experience needed to instruct practitioners safely, accurately, and effectively. With an Ashtanga yoga teacher training, instructors learn the traditional methods of yoga practice and the precise sequences of postures. This type of training allows instructors to teach the Ashtanga sequence of postures with accuracy and confidence.
With the correct training, instructors can confidently teach the Ashtanga sequence of postures while providing their students with the highest quality of instruction.
The Shiva Yoga Peeth in India offers one of the best Ashtanga teacher training in India. Their intensive program combines traditional teachings with modern methods of practice, allowing students to develop a comprehensive understanding of the practice. Students will learn how to teach Ashtanga safely and effectively and gain the skills and knowledge required to become a successful Ashtanga yoga teacher.
Benefits of Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in India:
India has long been known as a spiritual and holistic destination, and this is reflected in its yoga and meditation offerings. In India, yoga teacher training can be found at some of the most renowned and well-respected centres in the world.
The environment of Indian ashrams, yogashalas, and meditation centres are unlike any other. These places are often surrounded by lush greenery, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. The natural environment provides a serene backdrop for learning and growth. Here, students will be immersed in an atmosphere of spirituality, traditional culture, and healing energy.
The environment in India also differs from other countries due to the influence of traditional Indian culture and philosophy. During an Ashtanga yoga teacher training program, you may be exposed to ancient Indian texts such as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, or the Bhagavad Gita. You may also learn about Ayurveda, Sanskrit, and chanting mantras as part of your training.
The teachers in India are often highly experienced and have trained for many years under esteemed gurus. Their experience and knowledge allows them to guide students along their path to enlightenment.
Ultimately, teacher training in India is an excellent way to enhance your knowledge and understanding of Ashtanga yoga while experiencing the culture and lifestyle of India. From learning traditional teachings and techniques to gaining personal development opportunities, there are numerous benefits to receiving Ashtanga yoga teacher training in India.
Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Programs in India:
The different types of Ashtanga yoga teacher training programs available in India include-
- Traditional Ashtanga Yoga philosophy and techniques
- Hands-on practice and guidance from experienced teachers
- Intensive and immersive learning environment
- Theory and practice of pranayama, meditation, and other yogic techniques
- Study of Sanksrit and yoga texts
- Exploration of yogic lifestyle and diet
- Introduction to Ayurveda and its principles
- Developing teaching skills and learning how to safely lead a class
- Understanding of the anatomy and physiology of yoga
- Insight into the history and evolution of Ashtanga Yoga
Cost and Accommodations:
When it comes to Ashtanga yoga teacher training, one of the most important considerations is the cost associated with it. Fortunately, the cost of teacher training in India at Shiva Yoga Peeth is quite affordable. Depending on the program you choose, the total cost for your Ashtanga yoga teacher training could range from $1200-$2200, including tuition, accommodation, and food.
Accommodation options at Shiva Yoga Peeth are also very comfortable and clean. The retreat center offers a variety of rooms and dormitories to accommodate different needs and budgets. All accommodations are conveniently located near the yoga hall and within walking distance to nearby attractions.
In addition to the reasonable cost of teacher training, the unique learning environment in India makes the experience even more valuable. The ancient Indian yogic tradition combined with the comfort of modern facilities and amenities provides an ideal setting for personal growth and spiritual exploration. The staff at Shiva Yoga Peeth are dedicated to creating an inspiring and supportive atmosphere for students.
Post-training Opportunities
Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training: Completing a teacher training program in Ashtanga yoga is a great way to become an expert and start a successful career as a yoga instructor. Graduates can find a number of career opportunities, ranging from working at traditional yoga studios to teaching at health clubs, wellness centers, and even hospitals. There are also opportunities to teach in private settings, as well as corporate and recreational settings.
The advantage of having taken a teacher training program in India is that graduates can stand out among other yoga teachers who have only completed basic or general yoga certification programs. In addition to the specialized knowledge gained during their training, the fact that they have gone overseas to study the ancient art of yoga will add to their credentials and make them attractive to employers.
Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training: Finding job opportunities after completing a teacher training program in Ashtanga yoga does not have to be difficult. Many schools offer post-training placement assistance for graduates, including job search advice and tips on how to market oneself effectively as a yoga instructor. Additionally, there are many resources available online, such as job postings on websites dedicated to yoga teaching jobs, as well as social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
In addition to finding employment opportunities, completing a teacher training program can also provide graduates with a platform for continuing their education. Many schools offer continuing education classes for graduates, which allows them to deepen their understanding of Ashtanga yoga and stay up to date with current trends in the field. Furthermore, attending workshops and retreats hosted by leading yogis can help graduates stay connected to the wider community of practitioners.
Tips and Recommendations for Students
As students plan to pursue Ashtanga yoga teacher training in India, there are several important tips to consider. First and foremost, it is important to be well prepared for the training, both physically and mentally. Students should bring comfortable clothing, a yoga mat, and any other materials that may be helpful for the course.
Additionally, students should be mindful of their mental and emotional states, as this can impact the experience in a positive or negative way. When looking for a teacher training program, students should be sure to research and read reviews about the school or center in order to make an informed decision.
One highly recommended program is the Ashtanga yoga teacher training offered by Shiva Yoga Peeth in Rishikesh, India. This course offers a comprehensive curriculum taught by experienced and knowledgeable teachers.
Future of Ashtanga Yoga in India
The future of Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training In India looks very promising. Ashtanga Yoga is becoming increasingly popular with the rise of yoga and mindfulness in India. With its traditional roots, and its emphasis on physical, mental, and spiritual development, Ashtanga Yoga has become a popular choice for many Indians.
With an increasing number of people practicing Ashtanga Yoga in India, the demand for qualified teachers and studios is also growing. As a result, more and more professional teachers and studios are opening up in India, offering a variety of classes and workshops for those interested in Ashtanga Yoga. As the practice continues to grow in popularity, it is likely that its future in India will be strong.
Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training: Ashtanga yoga is an ancient form of practice that has been around for centuries and continues to be practiced around the world. It offers a unique form of physical, mental, and spiritual development. Ashtanga teacher training is the best way to learn this practice and to deepen one’s own understanding of it.
By taking part in a program such as that offered by Shiva Yoga Peeth, students can experience the highest quality of learning and guidance from knowledgeable and experienced teachers. This type of training offers numerous post-training opportunities such as teaching, travel, and community building.
By taking part in a teacher training course, one can gain valuable knowledge about the practice and can share this knowledge with others. With proper guidance and mentorship, any student of Ashtanga yoga can deepen their practice and become a better teacher in the process.